Page name: Giffie-Pet Staff [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-04-21 13:53:38
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Bookwyrm
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Here are the talented and trained staff who dedicate their time to taking care of pets,
answering questions not covered on owning a giffie-pet, genetically engineering new pets
and even sometimes find themselves cleaning up the little "accidents" made by the pets.

Giffie-Pet Staff Board Room, for Giffie-Pet Staff members only.


(Badge Credits)

Giffie-Pet Boss
Malevolent [Stephen]: The Owner and Overseer of the Giffie Store and all related pages. He appoints new staff, retires old staff, and gives out duties to current staff to fulfill.

Giffie-Pet Staff
Mischievous [WonderTweek], a Giffie-Artist
Roaring [kittykittykitty], the Giffie-Assistant
Mischievous [Deg], who wrote our poem (Honorary Member, don't ask her questions please)



[Anvikit] came up with the idea for the Giffie-Pets, and created many original pets.
[Big Brother] took place as head of the Pet Store once [Anvikit] retired.
[Bookwyrm] was the next person in charge, once [Big Brother] handed leadership to her.
[Stephen] took over for [Bookwyrm] when she retired.
[Bookwyrm] stole the store back from [Stephen].
[Stephen] once again took over the store, upon [Bookwyrm]'s retirement.
The Giffie Artists have created the pets.
Also, thank you to the retired Giffie-Pet Staff who have all helped in the past.

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2005-06-12 [MarieFair]: nvm

2005-06-12 [PyroBuggy]: i listed them in the store :p and dont feel like doing it again

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: Oh, do you still hate me?

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: Updated.

2005-06-12 [PyroBuggy]: will i ever stop? you were kind of hitting on me you twat.

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: I was mocking what you said you hate. lol, I wouldn't call you cute, and I couldn't care less if you are mexican.

2005-06-12 [Ihsahn]: stop it [Stephen]

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: Ihsahn, *sigh* Honestly, I rarely ever hit on anyone.

2005-06-12 [Dwemer]: Sorry, did anyone read my comment?

2005-06-12 [Ihsahn]: did you read the above?

2005-06-12 [Dwemer]: So I see, you have no current vacancies?

2005-06-12 [Ihsahn]: well since [Big Brother] hasn't responded then my guess is no

2005-06-12 [PyroBuggy]: battlefield is in his hmetown thing. were everyone lives in igloo's. no computers

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: Battlefield is busy right now. (See above comment) Honestly though Dwemer, I don't think we really need any help, sorry :(

2005-06-12 [Dwemer]: No problem crew, I was only asking :)

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: Okay :)

2005-06-12 [Silence is a Scary Sound]: how do u get entered in2 a quiz fingy 2 get a pet

2005-06-12 [PyroBuggy]: ask the quiz people.

2005-06-12 [Stephen]: I'm a quiz person :) go to Trivia

2005-06-15 [Stephen]: Hmmm... I am removing the notice about us seeking employees... I don't think we need them..

2005-06-15 [Stephen]: Jon, can I be added as a pound employee?

2005-06-15 [ShadowSong]: hey butthead.. where do you get off putting your name over mine... i was here first...

2005-06-15 [Big Brother]: you are on there

2005-06-15 [ShadowSong]: i know.. but he needs to go to the end of the list.. we were there first

2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: it reveals alot about angelos personality... but it's nothing to worry about.

2005-06-15 [Big Brother]: ....i'm confuzed

2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: me too.... i'm finishing shadeing on... can't remember name... allison? the last person for the first part of your story...

2005-06-15 [Big Brother]: you did nick? and sweet!!!! i can't wait to see!!!

2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: oh yeah... almost forgot about nick.... :p I just keep refering to the original site you sent me with immages of them. so i geuss i have one moer after this.

2005-06-15 [Big Brother]: ya but no pic to go off =P

2005-06-15 [PyroBuggy]: like you but fuzzy (head) right?

2005-06-15 [Big Brother]: hair like chris......seeing glasses, kinda nerdy looking but not really...same hight as me but skinnier

2005-06-16 [Stephen]: What reveals what about me? You mean my name as a page monitor?

2005-06-16 [ShadowSong]: put it at the end you mutton-head

2005-06-16 [ShadowSong]: it reveals that you need to feel superior to others...

2005-06-16 [Stephen]: Heh? I just stuck it in there... I was in a rush. Okay, I'll fix it.

2005-06-16 [ShadowSong]: thank you

2005-06-18 [Dwemer]: Ah, [Stephen] left us...

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: You... you won't steal my job!!!! I love this place too much!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-06-18 [Dwemer]: You left Stephen, but who said I had your job?

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: ^_^

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: O.o; good point ^_^ I came back. Between missing all of my friends, Specially a select few, and this job, I couldn't resist.

2005-06-18 [Dwemer]: Allthough I wont denied asking someone for it eh Jon?

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: My friend, if I hadn't saw your posting about me leaving, and then knowing you want a job here, I may have not came back.

2005-06-18 [Dwemer]: ;o

2005-06-18 [ShadowSong]: so when are we gunna get our badges?

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: soon.

2005-06-18 [ShadowSong]: sweet

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: One does not need a badge, to show that they do the work, (though the badges look cool)

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: as i said in private message [ShadowSong], i need to figure out what the requirements for the badge will be before anyone else gets in, right now only [Anvikit] has one for making the place, me for running it, [Stephen] for making almost all the deliveries, and [PyroBuggy] for making alot of new pets

2005-06-18 [ShadowSong]: says the man with 7 badges to the man with 1

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: well you may have more if you didn't complain about everything, you do good work and will get it, you just have to learn to wait

2005-06-18 [ShadowSong]: *bite my tongue*... nevermind.. i forgot about power for a second..

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Do not worry Shadowsong, you will recieve them, in time and hard work.

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: *rolls eyes* making a scene does not help you any

2005-06-18 [Ihsahn]: hmmmmmmmmm

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: wow, he romoved what he said, oh well i know what it said

2005-06-18 [Ihsahn]: patience is a virtue i guess :/

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: No, my friends, let's not fight.

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: well as i said only the KEY workers have it at this time, just wait untill i decide on the requierments for having the badge

2005-06-18 [Alexandra the Great]: is there any way i can join and help?

2005-06-18 [Ihsahn]: not at this time I think

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: well where would you be able to help?? i think we are fine unless you find something you can do........

2005-06-18 [Alexandra the Great]: well if i get my privs raised could i help deliver pets?

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: we don't need anyone to deliver, and [Dwemer] looks to be next in line for that right now

2005-06-18 [Alexandra the Great]: oh ok.. thats fine... could i be one of the artists? i have an example of a pet someone could buy.. but two kinds, one for the light background and another for the house box... let me sshow you

2005-06-18 [Ihsahn]: yus the bitch is back!!! (me)

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: i think we should do a pet submissioon page.

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: We don't pet pets on houses...

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: if you want to be an artist just send me a few samples of pets you have made, and we do not work with ones for houses, just the proper slots

2005-06-18 [Alexandra the Great]: thats what i meant.. sorry...

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: comments are being deleted cause i send send the samples to me

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: Alexandra has a rappy photoshop so she's sending them through me and i'm makeing em transparent :p

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Shadowsong, you need to work, that's the only way you'll get badges.

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Not sit and do nothing, and occasionally bitch at someone, but actually work.

2005-06-18 [ShadowSong]: ...."...loosing 6 of them doesn't really matter..."...

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: don't worry pyro, i'm NOT sending here adobe elements

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: I know it sounds cold, and I hate it, but it's true... I did not mean it how you thought I did anyway. I meant that has nothing to do with EP.

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: love love love.

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Anyway, as to Alex becoming an artist. And, Jon, and Pyro, what say you two to the suggestions page? It would be fun, and myself and Alex could head it, with whatever else needs to be done.

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: ive already started. we'll see how it comes out.

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: You have? Great! We will need rules though, so we don't get too strange suggestions.

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: feel free to throw some suggestions in here while i make it.

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Can you PM me the page name?

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: just post it in the giffie forum for us all to see

2005-06-18 [spiritee]: aahhhh *isk completely excluded* i have to get on more...

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Hmmm... Rainedrop vanished...

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: RD doesn't come around here anymore :(

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: why?

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: i've noticed that staff like to add themselves to the staff list in other areas......STOP

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Only myself, you, and Ishan can access this page.

2005-06-18 [PyroBuggy]: gee... i wonder what that means...

2005-06-18 [Big Brother]: basicly guards.......but i've seen the delivery staff change things

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: Hmm... I know what you mean.

2005-06-18 [Stephen]: You also took TDL off..

2005-06-19 [Stephen]: You added yourself as an overseer...

2005-06-19 [Big Brother]: good job

2005-06-19 [PyroBuggy]: thats because [Anvikit] died a horrible death.

2005-06-19 [Big Brother]: she didn't really die, she is just unable to be here right now for reasons i cannot say

2005-06-19 [Stephen]: Hmm... I always love it when someone does that. "I know, but I cannot say why." I do that myself, lol

2005-06-22 [spiritee]: can you add my new pets after my name, since we're apparently keeping up with it?

2005-06-23 [deathstalker075]: how do u join the staff

2005-06-23 [PyroBuggy]: you don't

2005-06-23 [Big Brother]: O.o

2005-06-23 [PyroBuggy]: isxthat really clown porn?

2005-06-23 [Big Brother]: go there

2005-06-23 [PyroBuggy]: i don't want to... crazy canadian!

2005-06-23 [Big Brother]: just do it! it's funny

2005-06-23 [spiritee]: what, that's it? what a disappointment >__<;

2005-06-23 [PyroBuggy]: penis land is the greatest.

2005-06-23 [Ihsahn]: o.o

2005-06-23 [spiritee]: hehe my friend showed me that before~

2005-06-23 [Ultiem]: hmm strange individuals lol

2005-06-23 [Dwemer]: Erm... Well, Hail to Penisland! Hail!

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: O.o' My co-workers have went insane... Yes, those who have made more pets then listed, please tell me what they are, and I will add them.

2005-06-26 [ShadowSong]: hey.. [RabidSphinx] needs to get put back on here..

2005-06-26 [spiritee]: yay thank you ^_^. Black Cat, Golden Retriever Puppy, Pale Retriever Puppy, deer Mouse, Hedgehog, Blue-Tongue Skink, Cockatiel, Veiltail Guppy, Hermit Crab, Mexican Bloodleg Tarantula, Golden Garden Spider.

2005-06-26 [FireGypsy]: wtf....

2005-06-26 [spiritee]: [PyroBuggy]'s got Tent Bat, Fruit Bat, Piranha, Red Crab, Snail, Baby Emperor Penguin, Pink Bunny.

2005-06-26 [spiritee]: [FireGypsy], the lists are for [Stephen], ignore them~

2005-06-26 [FireGypsy]: oohh i was just confused, i thought you were thanking random animals lol jk jk

2005-06-26 [Ihsahn]: lmfao

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: Ack! Okays, I just decided we have enough animals for now :)

2005-06-26 [spiritee]: really now? never hurts to have more ^_^ doesn't mean you have to use all of them all the time. fwah s'okay~ probably gonna be gone for a month anyways~

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: Ya, but we don't want to overfill the staff page ^_^ Make unique-Giffe pets, with Pyrobuggy. Just send me a sample of a unique pet first.

2005-06-26 [spiritee]: yay ^__^ when i can, it's either gonna be tomorrow, or August <_< unless i really can't find anything to do in China. ooor maybe we should just not list them all? or perhaps make a different page for the lists~

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: I'll be waiting on it. Also, I need to ask Jon before making too many changes. I don't think he would mind if you made Uniques though, as long as they look good and follow the same basic procuders as the rest.

2005-06-26 [ShadowSong]: hey.. [RabidSphinx] needs to get put back on here..

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: I didn't take her off. I can't put her on. Jon is gone for a few days as well.

2005-06-26 [ShadowSong]: Steve... put her on... you can.. you dont want to... put her on.. she worked here before [Big Brother]

2005-06-26 [spiritee]: chill chill, ShadowSong~ since Angelo's not the only one working here, everyone should get notified first...or soemthing

2005-06-26 [ShadowSong]: *raise my eyebrow*. i dont remember getting notified when the wiki made big changes...

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: I have to tell Jon at least. I am doing a lot of stuff on my own currently with this place, and adding new members might get me in trouble. I just approved a new artist for the Unique pets, so I don't want to do too much at once.

2005-06-26 [ShadowSong]: *close my eyes*.. she's not a new member.. she's an old returning member.. and a good friend of Jon's.. just add her.. i'll take responability for it.. if Jon is mad.. tell him to boot me out and take my badge... i dont think he will be though..

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: I'll do it. Fine. You can't take responsibility. That's not how Elfpack works.

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: There, she is back. I am only putting her as a page monitor, even if she did have other jobs, ask Jon about those.

2005-06-26 [ShadowSong]: nope.. that's all she needs.. thanks

2005-06-26 [Stephen]: Ya...

2005-06-28 [spiritee]: ook! I will be gone for around a month, so yaaah, i'm not dead~

2005-06-28 [FireGypsy]: I know a lot of the deliverers and restockers are usually busy and cant get on often. But i just got out of school and have all the free time in the world to be online helping out with anything and everything on elfpack, so if you need me for anything, ill be completely willing to help out. I need something to keep me busy =)

2005-06-28 [Dwemer]: I just delivered all pets :)

2005-06-28 [FireGypsy]: *nods* i know, im just willing to help if needed, keeps me from being bored out of my mind =) Plus i love helping.

2005-06-29 [Stephen]: If I could make you a deliver, I would, but i have already gotton a few people priv changes to do it, and we don't need anymore delivers.... you can make more normal pets though.

2005-06-29 [FireGypsy]: lol ill try and make some more normal pets, it takes me forever. I wish there were an easier way than using a mouse.

2005-06-29 [MarieFair]: there is! A tablet! but sadly I don't not have one...

2005-06-30 [RabidSphinx]: meow

2005-06-30 [PyroBuggy]: tablets don't work for me and giffie pets. the pets are so small so i just zoom in and then you have more control.

2005-06-30 [FireGypsy]: yeah but drawing pixel by pixel takes forever!

2005-07-01 [MarieFair]: *pets [RabidSphinx]*

2005-07-02 [Big Brother]: i go on vacation for a few days and suddenly ppl. appear on the staff list that aren't i said before DON'T EDIT THIS PAGE AND ADD OR REMOVE ANYTHING OR I WILL SMITE YOU!!!! only the artists can add what they have done.

2005-07-02 [Stephen]: Oh, okay, sorry.

2005-07-03 [PyroBuggy]: *shits self* [Anvikit] was avtive! @o_o@

2005-07-03 [Big Brother]: ya......she's not dead.....

2005-07-03 [PyroBuggy]: i know she's not dead. i just about died seeing that she spoke in the UGP page XD did you ban her from ever getting a pet or working here? XD

2005-07-03 [Big Brother]: lol, if annie had the time to come here she would still be warden and run the store ^_^

2005-07-03 [PyroBuggy]: yeah. it's gotta be hard doing anything here with a familly... *looks around* oh yeah... i have one of those too... *goes back to being a computer nerd*

2005-07-05 [The Last Spartan]: so how would someone become a member of the staff

2005-07-05 [PyroBuggy]: First my child, you must take a long and dangerous journey... Through my pants!

2005-07-05 [Stephen]: And, after that, if somehow you still live, you must work hard, and learn to do the work, and not ask to have it handed to you, and then we see your hard work, and add you ;)

2005-07-06 [The Last Spartan]: okay thats a litlle strange....

2005-07-06 [RabidSphinx]: i never took a journy through your pants [PyroBuggy]....

2005-07-06 [The Last Spartan]: but i think im ready for the journey

2005-07-06 [Dwemer]: You don't want that!

2005-07-06 [Stephen]: You got lucky =oP

2005-07-06 [Dwemer]: ?

2005-07-06 [RabidSphinx]: haha!

2005-07-07 [PyroBuggy]: It's not too late XD

2005-07-07 [Stephen]: Run [RabidSphinx] run!!!

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: <_< >_>

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *flees quickly*

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: fine... it's not too late for you spartan! ;)

2005-07-09 [MarieFair]: *pets [RabidSphinx]* out of nowhere! O.o

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: whoa! i was just petted!!! (O_o) that was odd

2005-07-09 [MarieFair]: tehee.

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: but i liked it! you know i'm a kitty right? [Rainedrop]

2005-07-09 [MarieFair]: kitty?! *grins* where?!

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: aw... kitten... i have a FAT siamese :p

2005-07-09 [MarieFair]: FAT kitties are cute too.

2005-07-09 [PyroBuggy]: i have a picture of it... one sec

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: mine are all rather skinny...but i am fat...look at me!! --->[Rainedrop]

2005-07-09 [FireGypsy]: your not fat damnit!

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *pokes [Rainedrop] fat* yes i am!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: No you aint :) *gives you DAMN I'M HOT AND CWUTE'' badge.

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: XD thanks....*mutters under breath "crazy peoples"*

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *holds a bread-knife* Who we? *crazy laugh*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *holds out a pice of unbuttered bread* yes you!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Oh my goddles ;)

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: butter my bread [Dwemer]... ;)

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: You force me ? ^_- *does the job*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: all the way to the crust now, don't be stinngy!

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: Oh my God! ^_- *butters all the way to the crust*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: damn straight bitch

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *dances* I've been called a bitch! ^_^ *phones friends*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: *eats buttered bread*

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: *shivers and watches*

2005-07-09 [RabidSphinx]: XD

2005-07-09 [Dwemer]: ^_-

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: O_O

2005-07-10 [RabidSphinx]: i just brushed my hair!!!

2005-07-10 [PyroBuggy]: YAY! when i do that the comb is no longer useable

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